Hel (short for Helen) is the leader of the team that includes Sarge and Cleopatra. Together, they are trying to reclaim the surface of the Earth in the year 2525 from the alien invaders known as Baileys. Usually calm and cool, Hel is the team's link to the mysterious Voice, who guides them in their mission through a receptor implanted in her jaw. (Although, apparently, Joxopolis is outside of Voice's transmission range.) |
The buff Sarge can be a bit of a hot-head, always eager for action and often jumping in without thinking first. She is a deadly hand-to-hand combatant but also loves her guns. Often very angry, she is still a vital part of the team. Her real name is Rose, but never, never call her that to her face... |
Aspiring actress, part-time exotic dancer, and cute as all-get-out, Cleopatra fell into a coma during cosmetic surgery in the year 2001 and was placed into cryogenic deep freeze, until she could be safely revived. She was awakened by Hel and Sarge in the Bailey-ruled world of 2525. Fond of using movie and TV quotes and more or less in charge of the group's fashion, Cleo can be a surprising asset to the team, although her style does tend to, um, clash with those of the teammates. |
My next Girl-Toy is Theodora from the 1999 film The Haunting. Theo was one of several test subjects brought to the Hill House mansion for a study in fear. The study went terribly wrong when the visitors were terrorized by the ghost of the mansion's owner, Hugh Crain. Theo was one of the few survivors. The artist has interesting taste in clothing (remember those boots?). Oh, and she's bisexual (bonus!). |
Annika Hansen was assimilated by the Borg when just a child. As the adult drone Seven of Nine, she was liberated from the Collective by the U.S.S. Voyager, and has steadily been regaining her humanity. My RPG self encountered "Star Trek: Voyager"'s former Borg drone while on an uncontrolled trip through the multiverse. Tabs, the then-Goddess of Toy Acquisition, let me keep her when I got home. As a result of downloading my pop culture knowledge into her own systems to survive a visit to "Mystery Science Theater 3000"'s Satellite of Love, Seven has an unfortunate tendency to blurt out non sequiturs. |
I acquired "Relic Hunter"'s Professor Sydney Fox in the same manner as Seven, while travelling the multiverse. Syd is head of the Ancient Studies Department at a university on the US East Coast. She's a sort of female Indiana Jones, searching for ancient relics and artifacts, no matter the danger in her path (to the eternal regret of her Teaching Assistant Nigel). |
Born Lois Runce, this daughter of an international arms dealer changed her name to Yves Adele Harlow (an anagram of Lee Harvey Oswald) and became an accomplished computer hacker and international thief in an attempt to sabotage the plans of her father and people like him. This apparently British brunette with an Emma Peel quality was an often unwilling ally of "The X-Files"' Lone Gunmen. |
Ownership of real people is not permitted in Joxopolis, but you can have a clone of a real person. So, I have a clone of the best TV cook there ever was, Nigella Lawson. The only thing better than watching Nigella cook is watching Nigella eat. This voluptuous Brit makes working in the kitchen seem effortless and meal-time around my hut is certainly all the better for her presence. |
Former exotic dancer Catherine Willows works for the Las Vegas CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) lab. Using a combination of brains and intuition, she and her co-workers help the Vegas police department put a variety of criminals and nogoodniks behind bars. |
Rose Tyler is possibly the most perfect travelling companion ever featured on the classic science fiction series "Doctor Who." Smart, feisty and utterly adorable, she truly loves the experiences the 9th and 10th incarnation of the Doctor present her with. |
Also from the "Doctor Who" universe, when super-temp Donna Noble first encountered the 10th Doctor, she was a somewhat shallow individual, taking little interest in the world around her. But, after some time thinking about what she had seen in her initial, brief time with the Doctor, she became a fierce righter of wrongs and joined the Doctor on his travels, become a companion on par with Rose Tyler. |